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Janie Ruddy's Vision

Janie believes Flagler County Schools has many positive attributes, most notably, making strides to increase communication and transparency between teachers and parents, upgrading the safety of our schools, and a Superintendent with a strong vision. However, she acknowledges that there is progress to be made naming three critical issues facing our schools:

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Preparing students for the future

I aspire to prepare students for success after high school where every student has an offer to enter a trade or has been recruited to a college.

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Quality Education for Every Student

I see Flagler attaining an 'A' rating due to innovative programs where ALL students in ALL classrooms across ALL campuses are receiving the very best instruction. 

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Positive culture

I envision a culture where we are envied across the country where parents, educators, and businesses work together, always making decisions that are always best for students. 

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Employee Retention

I want every teacher and support staff member to be able to afford a mortgage in Flagler County, not carry the anxiety of wondering if they can pay their bills or afford benefits, and during the school year not have to carry three jobs so they can be present for our kids.

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